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authororwell <orwell@bleipb.de>2024-04-08 21:46:43 +0200
committerorwell <orwell@bleipb.de>2024-04-08 21:46:43 +0200
commit1f74697e85d456e97e201cdd9edef91a2df4fc14 (patch)
parenteb03b5f301c4244bbc79a101dd9f990b01503ab5 (diff)
Fully implement and test new aspect support/distant signalling on ks and japan signals
4 files changed, 77 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
index ce3b03f..d27a045 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ndef.advtrains = {
-- Node can set any other fields at its discretion. They are not touched.
-- Note: On first call advtrains automatically inserts into the ndef.advtrains table a main_aspects_lookup hashtable
-- Note: Pure distant signals (that cannot show halt) should NOT have a main_aspects table
- apply_aspect = function(pos, main_aspect, rem_aspect, rem_aspinfo)
+ apply_aspect = function(pos, node, main_aspect, rem_aspect, rem_aspinfo)
-- set the node to show the desired aspect
-- called by advtrains when this signal's aspect group or the remote signal's aspect changes
-- MAY return the aspect_info. If it returns nil then get_aspect_info will be queried at a later point.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Signals that are possible start and end points for a route must satisfy:
-- Database
-- Signal Aspect store
-- Stores for each signal the main aspect and other info, like the assigned remote signal
--- [signal encodePos] = { main_aspect = "proceed", [speed = 12], [remote = encodedPos] }
+-- [signal encodePos] = { name = "proceed", [speed = 12], [remote = encodedPos] }
signal.aspects = {}
-- Distant signal notification. Records for each signal the distant signals that refer to it
@@ -162,10 +162,11 @@ function signal.set_aspect(pos, main_asp_name, main_asp_speed, rem_pos, skip_dst
-- if remote has changed, unregister from old remote
if old_remote and old_remote~=new_remote and signal.distant_refs[old_remote] then
+ atdebug("unregister old remote: ",old_remote,"from",main_pts)
signal.distant_refs[old_remote][main_pts] = nil
- signal.aspects[main_pts] = { main_aspect = main_asp_name, speed = main_asp_speed, remote = new_remote }
+ signal.aspects[main_pts] = { name = main_asp_name, speed = main_asp_speed, remote = new_remote }
-- apply aspect on main signal, this also checks new_remote
@@ -198,10 +199,12 @@ end
-- Notify distant signals of main_pts of a change in the aspect of this signal
function signal.notify_distants_of(main_pts, limit)
+ atdebug("notify_distants_of",advtrains.decode_pos(main_pts),"limit",limit)
if limit <= 0 then
local dstrefs = signal.distant_refs[main_pts]
+ atdebug("dstrefs",dstrefs,"")
if dstrefs then
for dst,_ in pairs(dstrefs) do
-- ensure that the backref is still valid
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ local function cache_mainaspects(ndefat)
-- always define halt aspect
halt = signal.MASP_HALT
- for _,ma in ipairs(ndefat.main_aspects) then
+ for _,ma in ipairs(ndefat.main_aspects) do
ndefat.main_aspects_lookup[ma.name] = ma
@@ -263,32 +266,37 @@ function signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
-- oh, no main aspect, nevermind
return nil, aspt.remote, nil
+ atdebug("get_aspect_internal",pos,aspt)
-- look aspect in nodedef
local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos)
local ndef = node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
local ndefat = ndef and ndef.advtrains
-- only if signal defines main aspect and its set in aspt
- if ndefat and ndefat.main_aspects and aspt.main_aspect then
+ if ndefat and ndefat.main_aspects and aspt.name then
if not ndefat.main_aspects_lookup then
local masp = ndefat.main_aspects_lookup[aspt.name]
+ if not masp then
+ atwarn(pos,"invalid main aspect",aspt.name,"valid are",ndefat.main_aspects_lookup)
+ return nil, aspt.remote, node, ndef
+ end
-- if speed, then apply speed
if masp.speed and aspt.speed then
masp = table.copy(masp)
masp.speed = aspt.speed
- return masp, aspt.remote, ndef
+ return masp, aspt.remote, node, ndef
-- invalid node or no main aspect, return nil for masp
- return nil, aspt.remote, ndef
+ return nil, aspt.remote, node, ndef
-- For the signal at pos, get the "aspect info" table. This contains the speed signalling information at this location
function signal.get_aspect_info(pos)
-- get aspect internal
local aspt = signal.aspects[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)]
- local masp, remote, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
+ local masp, remote, node, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
-- call into ndef
if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info then
return ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info(pos, masp)
@@ -305,30 +313,38 @@ end
function signal.reapply_aspect(pts)
-- get aspt
local aspt = signal.aspects[pts]
+ atdebug("reapply_aspect",advtrains.decode_pos(pts),"aspt",aspt)
if not aspt then
return -- oop, nothing to do
-- resolve mainaspect table by name
local pos = advtrains.decode_pos(pts)
- -- note: masp may be nil, when aspt.main_aspect was nil. Valid case for distant-only signals
- local masp, remote, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
+ -- note: masp may be nil, when aspt.name was nil. Valid case for distant-only signals
+ local masp, remote, node, ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(pos, aspt)
-- if we have remote, resolve remote
local rem_masp, rem_aspi
if remote then
+ -- register in remote signal as distant
+ if not signal.distant_refs[remote] then
+ signal.distant_refs[remote] = {}
+ end
+ signal.distant_refs[remote][pts] = true
local rem_aspt = signal.aspects[remote]
+ atdebug("resolving remote",advtrains.decode_pos(remote),"aspt",rem_aspt)
if rem_aspt and rem_aspt.name then
local rem_pos = advtrains.decode_pos(remote)
- rem_masp, _, rem_ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(rem_pos, rem_aspt)
+ rem_masp, _, _, rem_ndef = signal.get_aspect_internal(rem_pos, rem_aspt)
if rem_masp then
if rem_ndef.advtrains and rem_ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info then
- rem_aspi = rem_ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info(pos, rem_masp)
+ rem_aspi = rem_ndef.advtrains.get_aspect_info(rem_pos, rem_masp)
-- call into ndef
+ atdebug("applying to",pos,": main_asp",masp,"rem_masp",rem_masp,"rem_aspi",rem_aspi)
if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.apply_aspect then
- return ndef.advtrains.apply_aspect(pos, masp, rem_masp, rem_aspi)
+ ndef.advtrains.apply_aspect(pos, node, masp, rem_masp, rem_aspi)
-- notify trains
diff --git a/advtrains_signals_japan/init.lua b/advtrains_signals_japan/init.lua
index 84373a9..eb39f85 100644
--- a/advtrains_signals_japan/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_signals_japan/init.lua
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_japan:pole_0", {
drop = "advtrains_signals_japan:pole_0",
advtrains.interlocking.aspect.register_group {
name = "advtrains_signals_japan:5a",
label = S("Japanese signal"),
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ advtrains.interlocking.aspect.register_group {
local sigdefs = {}
local lightcolors = {
@@ -316,6 +317,7 @@ local function process_signal(name, sigdata, isrpt)
def.textures = tx
def.desc = sigdata.desc
def.isdst = isrpt
+ def.aspects = sigdata.aspects
local lights = sigdata.lights
local lightcount = #lights
if isrpt then
@@ -359,16 +361,17 @@ for sigtype, sigdata in pairs {
desc = "5A",
lights = {"yellow", "yellow", "red", "yellow", "green"},
aspects = {
- {name = "clear", lights = {5}, main = -1},
- {name = "reducedspeed", lights = {2, 5}},
- {name = "caution", lights = {4}},
- {name = "restrictedspeed", lights = {1, 4}},
- {name = "danger", lights = {3}, main = 0},
+ {name = "clear", description = S"Clear (proceed)", lights = {5}, main = -1},
+ {name = "reducedspeed", description = S"Reduced speed", lights = {2, 5}, main = 12},
+ {name = "caution", description = S"Caution", lights = {4}},
+ {name = "restrictedspeed", description = S"Restricted speed", lights = {1, 4}, main = 6},
+ {name = "danger", description = S"Danger (halt)", lights = {3}, main = 0},
} do
sigdefs["main_"..sigtype] = process_signal(sigtype, sigdata)
- sigdefs["rpt_"..sigtype] = process_signal(sigtype, sigdata, true)
+ -- TODO re-enable this once ready
+ --sigdefs["rpt_"..sigtype] = process_signal(sigtype, sigdata, true)
for k in pairs(sigdefs) do
@@ -412,6 +415,24 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs {
inventory_image = siginfo.inventory_image,
drop = "advtrains_signals_japan:"..sigtype.."_danger_0",
advtrains = {
+ main_aspects = siginfo.aspects,
+ apply_aspect = function(pos, node, main_aspect, rem_aspect, rem_aspinfo)
+ local asp_name = main_aspect and main_aspect.name or "danger"
+ -- if this signal is clear and remote signal is restrictive (<= 10) then degrade to caution aspect
+ if not main_aspect or main_aspect.name == "halt" then
+ asp_name = "danger"
+ elseif main_aspect.name == "clear" and rem_aspinfo and rem_aspinfo.main and rem_aspinfo.main >= 0 and rem_aspinfo.main <= 10 then
+ asp_name = "caution"
+ end
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_japan:"..sigtype.."_"..asp_name.."_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
+ end,
+ get_aspect_info = function(pos, main_aspect)
+ return {
+ main = main_aspect.main,
+ proceed_as_main = true,
+ }
+ end,
+ --[[
supported_aspects = {
group = "advtrains_signals_japan:5a",
name = siginfo.suppasp_names,
@@ -428,6 +449,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs {
set_aspect = function(pos, node, asp)
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = "advtrains_signals_japan:"..sigtype.."_"..(asp.name).."_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
+ ]]
on_rightclick = advtrains.interlocking.signal_rc_handler,
can_dig = advtrains.interlocking.signal_can_dig,
diff --git a/advtrains_signals_japan/mod.conf b/advtrains_signals_japan/mod.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb2cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_signals_japan/mod.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title=Advtrains Interlocking Signal Set - Japanese Signals
+description=Japanese signal set for the Advanced Trains Interlocking system
diff --git a/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua b/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
index 0a43db0..0ed03bb 100755
--- a/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ end
local applyaspectf_main = function(rot)
return function(pos, node, main_aspect, dst_aspect, dst_aspect_info)
-- set zs3 signal to show speed according to main_aspect
- setzs3(pos, asp.zs3, rot)
+ setzs3(pos, main_aspect.zs3, rot)
-- select appropriate lamps based on mainaspect and dst
if main_aspect.shunt then
advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name="advtrains_signals_ks:hs_shunt_"..rot, param2 = node.param2})
@@ -81,43 +81,43 @@ end
-- Actual signal aspect is chosen based on this and the Dst signal.
local mainaspects_main = {
- name = "proceed"
+ name = "proceed",
description = "Proceed",
zs3 = "off"
- name = "shunt"
+ name = "shunt",
description = "Shunt",
zs3 = "off",
shunt = true,
- name = "proceed_16"
+ name = "proceed_16",
description = "Proceed (speed 16)",
zs3 = "16",
- name = "proceed_12"
+ name = "proceed_12",
description = "Proceed (speed 12)",
zs3 = "12",
- name = "proceed_8"
+ name = "proceed_8",
description = "Proceed (speed 8)",
zs3 = "8",
- name = "proceed_6"
+ name = "proceed_6",
description = "Proceed (speed 6)",
zs3 = "6",
- name = "proceed_4"
+ name = "proceed_4",
description = "Proceed (speed 4)",
zs3 = "4",
- name = "halt"
+ name = "halt",
description = "Halt",
zs3 = "off",
halt = true,
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ end
-- Shunt signals have only two states, distant doesn't matter
local mainaspects_shunt = {
- name = "shunt"
+ name = "shunt",
description = "Shunt",
shunt = true,
- name = "halt"
+ name = "halt",
description = "Halt",
halt = true,
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
}) do
local rot = rtab.rot
for typ, prts in pairs({
- danger = {asp = advtrains.interlocking.DANGER, n = "slow", ici=true},
+ danger = {asp = advtrains.interlocking.signal.ASPI_HALT, n = "slow", ici=true},
slow = {
asp = function(pos)
return { main = getzs3(pos) or -1, proceed_as_main = true, dst = 0 }
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
drop = "advtrains_signals_ks:hs_danger_0",
inventory_image = "advtrains_signals_ks_hs_inv.png",
advtrains = {
- main_aspects = mainaspects_main
+ main_aspects = mainaspects_main,
apply_aspect = applyaspectf_main(rot),
get_aspect_info = afunc,