diff options
authorywang <yw05@forksworld.de>2020-12-19 13:32:38 +0100
committerywang <yw05@forksworld.de>2020-12-19 13:32:38 +0100
commita88e5aad64089eb4cf228d32a0eee812f1d7c5c6 (patch)
parent48787fc1b290e5d90349f0535102652706de1edd (diff)
Redesign train HUD
Some train HUD elements _might_ be replaced in the future.
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/trainhud.lua b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
index c90a406..14f68af 100644
--- a/advtrains/trainhud.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ advtrains.hhud[player:get_player_name()] = nil
local mletter={[1]="F", [-1]="R", [0]="N"}
-local doorstr={[-1]="|<>| >|<", [0]=">|< >|<", [1]=">|< |<>|"}
function advtrains.on_control_change(pc, train, flip)
local maxspeed = train.max_speed or 10
@@ -164,49 +163,45 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
if not train then return "" end
local max = train.max_speed or 10
- local res = train.speed_restriction or max
+ local res = train.speed_restriction
local vel = advtrains.abs_ceil(train.velocity)
local vel_kmh=advtrains.abs_ceil(advtrains.ms_to_kmh(train.velocity))
- local levers = "B - o +"
+ local levers = {[0] = "EMG", "B 2", "B 1", " N ", " P "}
local tlev=train.lever
if train.velocity==0 and not train.active_control then tlev=1 end
- if tlev == 0 then levers = ">BB< - o +" end
- if tlev == 1 then levers = ">B< - o +" end
- if tlev == 2 then levers = "B >-< o +" end
- if tlev == 3 then levers = "B - >o< +" end
- if tlev == 4 then levers = "B - o >+<" end
+ local doorstr = function(side, open)
+ return (open and "<%s>" or ">%s<"):format(side)
+ end
local topLine, firstLine
+ local st = {}
+ if train.debug then st = {train.debug} end
- local secondLine
- if train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command then
- local b=" "
- local tvels=""
- if train.tarvelocity then
- local tvel = advtrains.abs_ceil(train.tarvelocity)
- tvels = "|"..string.rep("+", tvel)..string.rep("_", max-tvel)
- end
- if train.atc_brake_target then
- b="-B-"
- end
- local ad = ""
- if train.atc_delay then
- ad = " "..advtrains.abs_ceil(train.atc_delay).."s "
- end
- secondLine="ATC"..b..": "..tvels..ad..(train.atc_command or "")
- else
- secondLine = "Manual operation"
- if train.ctrl.lzb then
- secondLine = "-!- Safety override -!-"
- end
+ st[#st+1] = ("[%s] [%s] [%s %s]%s [%s]"):format(
+ mletter[fct],
+ levers[tlev] or "N/A",
+ doorstr("L", train.door_open==-1),
+ doorstr("R", train.door_open==1),
+ train.is_shunt and " [SHUNT]" or "",
+ (train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command) and "ATC" or (train.ctrl.lzb and "LZB" or "MAN"))
+ local velstr = function(vel, name)
+ return ("%s%02d m/s (%02d km/h)"):format(
+ name and (attrans(name).." ") or "",vel,advtrains.ms_to_kmh(vel))
- local shtind = train.is_shunt and "S" or ">"
+ st[#st+1] = velstr(vel, "Speed:")
+ if max then st[#st+1] = velstr(max, "Max. Speed:") end
+ if res then st[#st+1] = res == 0
+ and attrans("OVERRUN RED SIGNAL! Examine situation and reverse train to move again.")
+ or velstr(res, "Restriction:") end
- topLine=" ["..mletter[fct].."] {"..levers.."} "..doorstr[(train.door_open or 0)].." "..(train.line and "L: "..train.line or "")
- firstLine=attrans("Speed:").." |"..string.rep("+", vel)..string.rep("_", res-vel).."|"..string.rep("_", max-res)..shtind.." "..vel_kmh.." km/h"
- if train.speed_restriction == 0 then
- firstLine = "OVERRUN RED SIGNAL! Examine situation and reverse train to move again."
+ if train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command then
+ st[#st+1] = ("ATC: %s%s%s"):format(
+ train.tarvelocity and (velstr(train.tarvelocity).." ") or "",
+ train.atc_delay and advtrains.abs_ceil(train.atc_delay).."s " or "",
+ train.atc_command or "")
local lzb = train.lzb
@@ -214,7 +209,7 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
local i = 1
while i<=#lzb.oncoming do
local k = lzb.oncoming[i]
- secondLine = secondLine .. "\n".."LZB: speed limit ["..(k.spd or "E")..("] in %.1f m"):format(k.idx-train.index)
+ st[#st+1] = "LZB: speed limit ["..(k.spd or "E")..("] in %.1f m"):format(k.idx-train.index)
if k.spd == 0 then
@@ -222,5 +217,5 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
- return (train.debug or "").."\n"..topLine.."\n"..firstLine.."\n"..secondLine
+ return table.concat(st,"\n")