path: root/advtrains/wagons.lua
diff options
authororwell96 <orwell@bleipb.de>2018-01-09 21:30:56 +0100
committerorwell96 <orwell@bleipb.de>2018-01-09 21:30:56 +0100
commit79da249c3d32769f7f3821292d479e6e44fdcb31 (patch)
treeb48b83803416b515bde9c9674ffd669fcdb1cef9 /advtrains/wagons.lua
parent33a8f0f570a2f3597ec273a4049d00acfb483828 (diff)
Add bord computer to trains
Features: - couple/decouple trains from a driver stand - new couple lock system (owner based, overridable by 'train_remove' privilege) - all train operators can now change the inside/outside text, allows for multilines Accessible via right-click menu or by pressing Sneak+Jump keys
Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/wagons.lua')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/wagons.lua b/advtrains/wagons.lua
index 11a9099..42466f3 100644
--- a/advtrains/wagons.lua
+++ b/advtrains/wagons.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ function wagon:get_staticdata()
--save to table before being unloaded
advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id]=advtrains.save_keys(self, {
- "seatp", "owner", "ser_inv", "wagon_flipped", "train_id"
+ "seatp", "owner", "ser_inv", "wagon_flipped", "train_id",
+ "dcpl_lock"
return self.unique_id
@@ -269,6 +270,10 @@ function wagon:on_step(dtime)
if has_driverstand then
--regular driver stand controls
advtrains.on_control_change(pc, self:train(), self.wagon_flipped)
+ --bordcom
+ if pc.sneak and pc.jump then
+ self:show_bordcom(self.seatp[seatno])
+ end
--sound horn when required
if self.horn_sound and pc.aux1 and not pc.sneak and not self.horn_handle then
self.horn_handle = minetest.sound_play(self.horn_sound, {
@@ -779,7 +784,7 @@ function wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname)
checkbox: lock couples
button: save
- local form="size[5,"..(numsgr*1.5+7).."]"
+ local form="size[5,"..(numsgr*1.5+3).."]"
local at=0
if self.seat_groups then
for sgr,sgrdef in pairs(self.seat_groups) do
@@ -788,18 +793,196 @@ function wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname)
- form=form.."checkbox[0,"..(at*1.5)..";lock_couples;"..attrans("Lock couples")..";"..(self.lock_couples and "true" or "false").."]"
- if self:train() then --just in case
- form=form.."field[0.5,"..(1.5+at*1.5)..";4,1;text_outside;"..attrans("Text displayed outside on train")..";"..(self:train().text_outside or "").."]"
- form=form.."field[0.5,"..(2.5+at*1.5)..";4,1;text_inside;"..attrans("Text displayed inside train")..";"..(self:train().text_inside or "").."]"
- end
form=form.."button_exit[0.5,"..(3+at*1.5)..";4,1;save;"..attrans("Save wagon properties").."]"
minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_prop_"..self.unique_id, form)
+local function checkcouple(eid)
+ if not eid then return nil end
+ local ent=minetest.object_refs[eid]
+ if not ent or not ent:getyaw() then
+ eid=nil
+ return nil
+ end
+ local le = ent:get_luaentity()
+ if not le or not le.is_couple then
+ eid=nil
+ return nil
+ end
+ return le
+local function checklock(pname, own1, own2)
+ return minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_remove") or
+ ((not own1 or own1==pname) or (not own2 or own2==pname))
function wagon:show_bordcom(pname)
+ if not self:train() then return end
+ local train = self:train()
+ local form = "size[11,9]label[0.5,0;AdvTrains Boardcom v0.1]"
+ form=form.."textarea[0.5,1.5;7,1;text_outside;"..attrans("Text displayed outside on train")..";"..(train.text_outside or "").."]"
+ form=form.."textarea[0.5,3;7,1;text_inside;"..attrans("Text displayed inside train")..";"..(train.text_inside or "").."]"
+ --row 5 : train overview and autocoupling
+ if train.velocity==0 then
+ form=form.."label[0.5,4.5;Train overview /coupling control:]"
+ linhei=5
+ local pre_own, owns_any = nil, minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_remove")
+ for i, tpid in ipairs(train.trainparts) do
+ local ent = advtrains.wagon_save[tpid]
+ if ent then
+ local ename = ent.entity_name
+ form = form .. "item_image["..i..","..linhei..";1,1;"..ename.."]"
+ if i~=1 then
+ if not ent.dcpl_lock then
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(i-0.5)..","..(linhei+1)..";1,1;advtrains_discouple.png;dcpl_"..i..";]"
+ if checklock(pname, ent.owner, pre_own) then
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(i-0.5)..","..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_unlock.png;dcpl_lck_"..i..";]"
+ end
+ else
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(i-0.5)..","..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_lock.png;dcpl_ulck_"..i..";]"
+ end
+ end
+ if i == self.pos_in_trainparts then
+ form = form .. "box["..(i-0.1)..","..(linhei-0.1)..";1,1;green]"
+ end
+ pre_own = ent.owner
+ owns_any = owns_any or (not ent.owner or ent.owner==pname)
+ end
+ end
+ if train.movedir==1 then
+ form = form .. "label["..(#train.trainparts+1)..","..(linhei)..";-->]"
+ else
+ form = form .. "label[0.5,"..(linhei)..";<--]"
+ end
+ --check cpl_eid_front and _back of train
+ local couple_front = checkcouple(train.couple_eid_front)
+ local couple_back = checkcouple(train.couple_eid_back)
+ if couple_front then
+ form = form .. "image_button[0.5,"..(linhei+1)..";1,1;advtrains_couple.png;cpl_f;]"
+ end
+ if couple_back then
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(#train.trainparts+0.5)..","..(linhei+1)..";1,1;advtrains_couple.png;cpl_b;]"
+ end
+ if owns_any then
+ if train.couple_lck_front then
+ form = form .. "image_button[0.5,"..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_lock.png;cpl_ulck_f;]"
+ else
+ form = form .. "image_button[0.5,"..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_unlock.png;cpl_lck_f;]"
+ end
+ if train.couple_lck_back then
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(#train.trainparts+0.5)..","..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_lock.png;cpl_ulck_b;]"
+ else
+ form = form .. "image_button["..(#train.trainparts+0.5)..","..(linhei+2)..";1,1;advtrains_cpl_unlock.png;cpl_lck_b;]"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ form=form.."label[0.5,4.5;Train overview / coupling control is only shown when the train stands.]"
+ end
+ form = form .. "button[0.5,8;3,1;Save;save]"
+ minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_bordcom_"..self.unique_id, form)
+function wagon:handle_bordcom_fields(pname, formname, fields)
+ local seatno=self:get_seatno(pname)
+ if not seatno or not self.seat_groups[self.seats[seatno].group].driving_ctrl_access or not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_operator") then
+ return
+ end
+ local train = self:train()
+ if not train then return end
+ if fields.text_outside then
+ if fields.text_outside~="" then
+ train.text_outside=fields.text_outside
+ else
+ train.text_outside=nil
+ end
+ end
+ if fields.text_inside then
+ if fields.text_inside~="" then
+ train.text_inside=fields.text_inside
+ else
+ train.text_inside=nil
+ end
+ end
+ for i, tpid in ipairs(train.trainparts) do
+ if fields["dcpl_"..i] then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==tpid then
+ wagon:safe_decouple(pname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if i>1 and fields["dcpl_lck_"..i] then
+ local ent = advtrains.wagon_save[tpid]
+ local pent = advtrains.wagon_save[train.trainparts[i-1]]
+ if ent and pent then
+ if checklock(pname, ent.owner, pent.owner) then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==tpid then
+ wagon.dcpl_lock=true
+ wagon:get_staticdata()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if i>1 and fields["dcpl_ulck_"..i] then
+ local ent = advtrains.wagon_save[tpid]
+ local pent = advtrains.wagon_save[train.trainparts[i-1]]
+ if ent and pent then
+ if checklock(pname, ent.owner, pent.owner) then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==tpid then
+ wagon.dcpl_lock=false
+ wagon:get_staticdata()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --check cpl_eid_front and _back of train
+ local couple_front = checkcouple(train.couple_eid_front)
+ local couple_back = checkcouple(train.couple_eid_back)
+ if fields.cpl_f and couple_front then
+ couple_front:on_rightclick(pname)
+ end
+ if fields.cpl_b and couple_back then
+ couple_back:on_rightclick(pname)
+ end
+ local function chkownsany()
+ local owns_any = minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "train_remove")
+ for i, tpid in ipairs(train.trainparts) do
+ local ent = advtrains.wagon_save[tpid]
+ if ent then
+ owns_any = owns_any or (not ent.owner or ent.owner==pname)
+ end
+ end
+ return owns_any
+ end
+ if fields.cpl_lck_f and chkownsany() then
+ train.couple_lck_front=true
+ end
+ if fields.cpl_lck_b and chkownsany() then
+ train.couple_lck_back=true
+ end
+ if fields.cpl_ulck_f and chkownsany() then
+ train.couple_lck_front=false
+ end
+ if fields.cpl_ulck_b and chkownsany() then
+ train.couple_lck_back=false
+ end
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_bordcom_"..self.unique_id, "field[irrel;Not yet implemented;We normally would show the bord computer now.]")
+ if not fields.quit then
+ self:show_bordcom(pname)
+ end
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
return advtrains.pcall(function()
local uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_geton_(.+)$")
@@ -851,28 +1034,18 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
wagon.seat_access[sgr] = fcont~="" and fcont or nil
- if fields.lock_couples then
- wagon.lock_couples = fields.lock_couples == "true"
- end
- if fields.text_outside then
- if fields.text_outside~="" then
- wagon:train().text_outside=fields.text_outside
- else
- wagon:train().text_outside=nil
- end
- end
- if fields.text_inside then
- if fields.text_inside~="" then
- wagon:train().text_inside=fields.text_inside
- else
- wagon:train().text_inside=nil
- end
- end
+ uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_bordcom_(.+)$")
+ if uid then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
+ wagon:handle_bordcom_fields(player:get_player_name(), formname, fields)
+ end
+ end
+ end
function wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no)
@@ -931,6 +1104,17 @@ function wagon:reattach_all()
+function wagon:safe_decouple(pname)
+ if self.dcpl_lock then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Couple is locked (ask owner or admin to unlock it)")
+ return false
+ end
+ atprint("wagon:discouple() Splitting train", selftrain_id)
+ advtrains.split_train_at_wagon(self)--found in trainlogic.lua
+ return true
function advtrains.register_wagon(sysname_p, prototype, desc, inv_img)
local sysname = sysname_p
if not string.match(sysname, ":") then