advtrains_gitexporter.gitAdvtrains Luaatc git exportergpcf2 months
advtrains_netmapper.gitAdvtrains svg rail map generatororwell4 years
hemiptera.gitsimple bugtrackergpcf4 years
lifomapserver.gitmap server for linuxforksm42uko4 years
LuaATC code
il_timetable.gitil_timetable environment for luaatcLinuxForks Server2 months
luaatc_envs.gitLuaATC environmentsLinuxForks Server13 hours
Minetest mods
AuthMinetest.gitMinetest Authentication plugin for MediaWikigpcf6 years
JR_E231series_modpack.gitJR E231 for minetestgit repository hosting5 years
advprofiler.gitAdvtrains profilerorwell5 years
advtrains.gitAdvtrains mod for minetest.orwell4 weeks
advtrains_construction_train.gitConstruction train for minetest.gpcf6 years
advtrains_platform.gitMore platforms for advtrainsOch_Noe24 months
apartment.gitrentable apartments mod for minetestgpcf6 years
atm.gitAtm mod for minetest, works with the currency mod's minegeld.gpcf3 months
auth_export.gitMinetest mod to export authentication to external servicesgpcf5 years
banish.gitJail evil players in minetestgpcf6 years
basic_trains.gitbasic trains for advtrainsorwell17 months
beerchat.gitBeer Chat mod for minetestgpcf5 years
billboard.gitbillboard mod for minetestgpcf5 years
cellworld.gitA structural map generatororwell4 years
colour_chat.gitColour chat for minetestoch_noe11 months
cs_waypoints.gitClient-side waypoints mod for minetestoch_noe3 years
currency.gitcurrency mod for minetestgpcf3 months
departureboards.gitDeparture boards mod for advtrainsgit repository hosting19 months
display_modpack.gitDisplay Modpack for Minetestorwell5 years
drawers.gitdrawers mod for minetestgpcf
ehlphabet.gitAlphabet blocks mod for minetestgit repository hosting2 years
elevator.gitReal-time elevator for Minetestgpcf4 months
engrave.gitset tool descriptions for minetestorwell
farebox.gitFarebox and faregate mod for minetestgpcf16 months
feedlot.gitFeedlot mod for minetestgpcf5 months
fireworkz.gitFireworks mod for minetestgpcf4 years
flintwater.gitFlint water mod for minetestgpcf5 years
forks-modpack.gitForks Modpackgpcf4 years
freezer.gitFreezer mod for minetestgpcf6 years
glass_stained.gitstained glass for minetestgpcf6 years
hangglider.githangglider mod for minetestgit repository hosting5 years
homefurn.gitFurniture mod for MinetestOch_Noe
itemframes.gitItemframes mod for Minetestgpcf4 years
kebab.gitDöner Kebab for Minetestgpcf14 months
lifotripplanner.gitTrip planner for Lifo servergit repository hosting4 years
linetrack.gittransport means tracking linesgpcf4 years
lrfurn.gitliving room furniture for minetestgit repository hosting
mail.gitingame e-mail for minetestgit repository hosting
mailbox.gitmailboxes for minetestgpcf4 years
minetest.gitmodified minetest for gpcfs purposesgpcf
mob_horse.gitHorse mob for minetestgpcf4 years
moreblocks.gitMore Blocks for minetest. Fixed usable versionOch_Noe4 days
moretrains.gitmoretrains modpack for minetest, improved forkgpcf3 years
pkarcs.gitArches for minetestgpcf6 years